Senatory Poll
Richard Windmann
State Representative, District 58
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President and Co-Founder of SCSA, Husband, Father, Grandfather, and Computer Scientist

Richard Windmann grew up in New Orleans, and during his childhood was a victim of sexual abuse. As a result of his past, Richard has spent his adult life as an activist and advocate for survivors and victims of childhood sexual abuse. He currently serves as President of Survivors of Childhood Sex Abuse (SCSA), as well as in-house consel. and the media spokesman. He is a Ph.D. in Computer Science and works for a large Cybersecurity company, as well as a part-time professional musician. He currently lives in Burleson, Texas, and has a wife, three children, and three grandchildren. His hobbies include herpetology, the self-directed study of neurology and psychology, playing music (bass), and sleeping when he gets the chance. Richard is a true warrior who is fighting for your children's safety.

I want to fight for a safer America for our children, to enact sane and clear laws that helps parents, and to protect Texas from genuine criminals and corruption.
  • Protect our Children
  • Secure our Borders
  • Secure our Schools

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